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Jurisdictional Prayer Line

Our Jurisdictional Prayer Line is opened to men and women within our churches within the Jurisdiction. Each District is assigned one Thursday out of the month, where their saints and leaders, may call in and pray for their District on the assigned time between 7:00pm to 8:00pm. The monthly Prayer Line schedule goes as following for each District within the Jurisdiction: 

1st Thursday of each month the Glory District is assigned. The 2nd Thursday of each month the Worship Area is assigned. The 3rd Thursday of each month the Unity District is assigned. The 4th Thursday of each month the Anointed District is assigned. And the 5th Thursday of each month the Praise District is assigned. Please contact your District Missionary for further details.

The future of the Prayer Line: it is our hope to open it up to other days and nights of the week for prayer within the Jurisdiction. Keep an open ear to hear! 

JDOW MINISTRY: It is a training ministry by way of DVD recordings, the internet, and the local church for women in ministry and laywomen learning center. It is innovative, on the cutting edge, Christ centered, Holy Spirit lead for the purpose of unifying and connecting women in ministry and training laywomen within the North Dakota Jurisdiction, Church of God in Christ, Inc.

Teaching. Training. Equipping . Releasing

Aspiring Missionary Teaching & Training Every 4th Saturday At 10:00am- 12:00pm

 Jurisdictional Conference Line

Dial-in-Number: (712) 775-7031

Access Number: 571-408-683

Note: Please Check With Your District Missionary. Teaching & Training Provided Only To Those Enrolled In JDOW Ministry, No Exceptions.

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